Kaitlin Murray

Kaitlin Murray

Kaitlin Murray

Kaitlin Murray

DattoCon Event Branding

DattoCon is an event for Managed Service Providers that offers a variety of opportunities to learn, network, and grow their businesses




Art Director, Designer


Jun 2019

DattoCon is all about capturing the spirit of Datto’s culture and blending it with the unique vibe of the host city. My challenge was to transform a standard hotel into a space that radiates the energy and excitement of DattoCon. This approach ensures each DattoCon feels fresh and tailored, yet unmistakably part of the Datto family.

Lead designer responsible for establishing the brand and guidelines to be used by other creatives. Designed and art directed all the event pieces including; signage, badges, structures, collateral, presentations, t-shirts, and social promotion assets. Involved in the initial walkthrough of the venue to plan the optimal attendee experience in the space.